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1 g ointment contains:
active substance:
tetracycline - 10.0 mg;
anhydrous lanolin - 400.0 mg,
Vaseline - up to 1 g.

Bacterial (including chlamydial) eye infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to tetracycline - blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, meibomitis (barley), trachoma.

Hypersensitivity, impaired liver and kidney function, pregnancy, breastfeeding (breastfeeding is stopped during treatment), children (up to 8 years).

Side effects
Possible: allergic reactions, hyperemia and swelling of the eyelids, transient blurred vision.

How to take, course of administration and dosage
A strip of ointment from 0.5 to 1 cm is placed behind the eyelid:
- for blepharitis, blepharoconjunctivitis: 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days;
- for keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis: 2-3 times a day for 5-7 days. If the condition does not improve within 3-5 days, you should consult a doctor;
- for meibomitis (barley): at night until the symptoms of inflammation disappear;
- for trachoma: every 2-4 hours or more often for 1-2 weeks. When the inflammatory process subsides, the drug is used 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment for trachoma is 1-2 months.

Tetracycline eye ointment 1% 5g

15,00 €Цена
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